How to ensure the Knex connection in nodejs

Code explains itself

const config = require("../../config");

const pgsql = require('knex')({
    client: 'pg',
    connection: {
        host: config.PGSQL_HOST,
        port: config.PGSQL_PORT,
        user: config.PGSQL_USER,
        password: config.PGSQL_PWD,
        database : config.PGSQL_DB
    useNullAsDefault: true

pgsql.raw("SELECT 1").then(() => {
    console.log("PostgreSQL connected");
.catch((e) => {
    console.log("PostgreSQL not connected");

module.exports = pgsql;

This was discussed earlier this week in knex issue tracker.

Making query is a good way to check that connection can be made to database. If no queries are made, pool doesn't necessary create any initial connections (depends on pool settings).

You may also also wire up pool's afterCreate callback to notify you when ever there is new connection made to database (