How to escape /None in \foreach iterator?

You don't want to only escape /None, but also # that's illegal in that context:

\edef\hms{\string#/}% Hash Mark Slash
\foreach \compiler/\ext in {latex/tex,dvips/dvi,ps2pdf -dAutoRotatePages\hms None/ps}
    {\immediate\write18{\compiler\space frames.\ext}}

The variant you mentioned in chat is even better:

\foreach \compiler/\ext in {latex/tex,dvips/dvi,ps2pdf \AutoRotateOff/ps}
    {\immediate\write18{\compiler\space frames.\ext}}

Both exploit the fact that \write fully expands its argument.

Another variant:

\foreach \compiler/\ext in {latex/tex,dvips/dvi,%
  \@firstofone{ps2pdf -dAutoRotatePages\string#/None}/ps}
    {\immediate\write18{\compiler\space frames.\ext}}

Based on @egreg's answer, the / can be removed from \hms but we need {...} for ps2pdf item as follows.


\foreach \compiler/\ext in {latex/tex,dvips/dvi,{ps2pdf -dAutoRotatePages\hms/None}/ps}{\immediate\write18{\compiler\space temporary.\ext}}


% this input file name is filename.tex
% compile it with pdflatex -shell-escape filename.tex





\foreach \compiler/\ext in {latex/tex,dvips/dvi,{ps2pdf -dAutoRotatePages\hms/None}/ps}{\immediate\write18{\compiler\space temporary.\ext}}


More about Windows

In my experience with Windows 7, both -dAutoRotatePages=/None and -dAutoRotatePages#/None work on Windows. Therefore, the simplest solution just needs {...} as follows.

% this input file name is filename.tex
% compile it with pdflatex -shell-escape filename.tex





\foreach \compiler/\ext in {latex/tex,dvips/dvi,{ps2pdf -dAutoRotatePages=/None}/ps}{\immediate\write18{\compiler\space temporary.\ext}}



Don't replace \string# with \# as \# will not work (I just tried it).

