How to exclude and include properly classes, packages and jar classes, lib from the jacoco report (Instrumentation offline)

Try includes instead of excludes. Notice that you need .class at the end. try something like that:


Base on your example:

                        <!-- this configuration affects all goals -->

I don't know how you generate lib directory, because you don't provide complete example.

However in case of the following example


class Example {


public class ExampleTest {
    public void test() {
        new Example();

and pom.xml

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">








execution of mvn clean verify produces

$ ls -R target/classes
Example.class  lib


and following report

report before exclusions

And after addition of following <configuration>


execution of the same command mvn clean verify produces following report

report after exclusions

If the above doesn't help, then please provide absolutely complete example allowing everybody else to reproduce exactly the same what you do.