How to extend Array.prototype.push()?

Since push allows more than one element to be pushed, I use the arguments variable below to let the real push method have all arguments.

This solution only affects the arr variable:

arr.push = function (){
    //Do what you want here...
    return Array.prototype.push.apply(this,arguments);

This solution affects all arrays. I do not recommend that you do that.

    var original = Array.prototype.push;
    return function() {
        //Do what you want here.
        return original.apply(this,arguments);

First you need subclass Array:

ES6 (

class SortedArray extends Array {
    constructor(...args) {
    push() {
        return super.push(arguments);

es5:(proto is almost deprecated but it is the only solution for now)

function SortedArray() {
    var arr = [];
    arr.push.apply(arr, arguments);
    arr.__proto__ = SortedArray.prototype;
    return arr;
SortedArray.prototype = Object.create(Array.prototype);

SortedArray.prototype.push = function() {

You could do it this way:

arr = []
arr.push = function(data) {
  alert(data); //callback

  return, data);

If you're in a situation without call, you could also go for this solution:

arr.push = function(data) {
  alert(data); //callback

  //While unlikely, someone may be using psh to store something important
  //So we save it.
  var saved = this.psh;
  this.psh = Array.prototype.push;
  var ret = this.psh(data);
  this.psh = saved;
  return ret;


While I'm telling you how to do it, you might be better served with using a different method that performs the callback then just calls push on the array rather than overriding push. You may end up with some unexpected side effects. For instance, push appears to be varadic (takes a variable number of arguments, like printf), and using the above would break that.

You'd need to do mess with _Arguments() and _ArgumentsLength() to properly override this function. I highly suggest against this route.

Edit once more: Or you could use "arguments", that'd work too. Still advise against taking this route though.