How to extract data points from two graphics and find the intersections between them?
Update 3: With a method based RegionIntersection
we can have arbitrary regions instead of vertical lines and get the intersection points conveniently. For example, using BezierCurve
s as the reference regions
cp = Sort[RandomReal[10, {5,10, 2}]];
vlines = {Thick, RandomColor[], Line[BezierFunction[#] /@ Range[0, 1, .05]]} & /@ cp;
we get
As J.M. noted, if we need just the line segments intersecting vertical lines, this can be done using much simpler methods without the need for RegionIntersection
. An alternative method to identify the segments cutting vertical lines with integer horizontal coordinates is
cutsGridQ = Ceiling[#[[1]]] <= Floor[#[[2]]] &@Sort[#[[All, 1]]] &;
randomcoords = {point[#2, #], #} & @@@ RandomReal[{.5, 9.5}, {50, 2, 2}];
Graphics[{Purple, Line /@ randomcoords,
Red, Line /@ Select[randomcoords, cutsGridQ]}, GridLines -> {Range[0, 10], None}]
Update 2: A function that takes two lists,l1
and l2
, of lines and produces the points of intersection of each line in l1
with the lines in l2
lineIntersections[l1_, l2_]:=Module[{tuples = Outer[List, l1, l2]},
DeleteCases[RegionIntersection @@@ # & /@ tuples, _EmptyRegion, 2]]
Original answer:
point[v_, u_] := Normalize[v - u] + u
vlines = Table[{RGBColor[0, 0, 0], Line[{{x, 0}, {x, 10}}]}, {x, 0, 10}];
randomlines = Table[{RGBColor[0.66, 0.38, 0.91],
u = {RandomReal[{0.5, 9.5}], RandomReal[{0.5, 9.5}]};
v = {RandomReal[{-100, 100}], RandomReal[{-100, 100}]};
Line[{point[v, u], u}]}, {50}];
Get the Line
primitives from the two lists above:
vlinesprims = Cases[vlines, _Line, {0, Infinity}];
rlinesprims = Cases[randomlines, _Line, {0, Infinity}];
Using RegionIntersection
find the intersections of each vertical line with each of the random lines:
intersections = Table[DeleteCases[RegionIntersection[v, #]& /@ rlinesprims, _EmptyRegion],
{v, vlinesprims}]
Graphics[{vlines, randomlines, PointSize[Large],
Transpose[{ColorData[97, "ColorList"][[;; Length@intersections ]], intersections}]}]
Update: For Version 9, you can use Graphics`Mesh`FindIntersections
as follows:
intersections = Join @@@ (Table[Graphics`Mesh`FindIntersections[Graphics[{v, #}]] & /@
rlinesprims, {v, vlinesprims}] /. {} -> Sequence[] /. {} -> Sequence[]);
Graphics[{vlines, randomlines, PointSize[Large],
Transpose[{ColorData[1, "ColorList"][[;; Length@intersections]], Point/@intersections}]}]
Here's a method that sidesteps fancy region functionality. We exploit your choice of using vertical grid lines at integer positions to make a simplified test for filtering out intersecting "needles":
pt[v_, u_] := Normalize[v - u] + u
(* can use Between instead if your version has it *)
hitGridQ[Line[{p1_, p2_}]] :=
With[{min = Min[p1[[1]], p2[[1]]], max = Max[p1[[1]], p2[[1]]]},
min <= Round[min + (max - min)/2] <= max]
n = 100;
BlockRandom[SeedRandom[42, Method -> "MersenneTwister"]; (* for reproducibility *)
p1 = Graphics[{Directive[Purple, AbsoluteThickness[1/4]],
segs = Table[With[{u = RandomReal[{0.5, 9.5}, 2],
v = RandomReal[{-100, 100}, 2]},
Line[{pt[v, u], u}]], {n}]},
GridLines -> {Range[0, 10], None},
GridLinesStyle -> AbsoluteThickness[1]]]
Show[p1, Graphics[{Directive[Red, AbsoluteThickness[1/4]],
hits = Cases[segs, _?hitGridQ]}]]
The $\pi$ estimate:
N[2 Length[segs]/Length[hits]]
Still a long way off, but you do need to raise the value of n
for something reasonable. Here, for instance, is what I get with n = 1000
There's an example of exactly this in the documentation of RegionDisjoint
. I'll copy it here.
Estimate $\pi$ by simulating Buffon's needle problem:
d = 0.2; n = 1000;
lines = MeshRegion[
Join @@ Table[{{-1 - d, y}, {1 + d, y}}, {y, -1 - d, 1 + d, d}],
Line[Partition[Range[2 Floor[2/d + 3]], 2]]
Create randomly orientated line segments of length $d$:
needles = Table[
Line[{pt, RandomPoint[Circle[pt, d]]}],
{pt, RandomReal[{-1, 1}, {n, 2}]}
Select line segments that overlap the grid of lines:
overlap = Select[needles, !RegionDisjoint[lines, #] &];
Visualize overlapping line segments (red):
Show[lines, Graphics[{Red, overlap, Black, Complement[needles, overlap]}]]
Estimation of $\pi$: