How to extract token string from Bearer token?

For security reasons you should make sure that the Authorization header has the expected content. You simply should not accept a header that does not start with Bearer if you are expecting it ("Bearer" is a recommendation in the RFC, it is not mandatory) ".

if (authHeader.startsWith("Bearer ")){
     token = authHeader.substring(7, authHeader.length);
} else {

You can split with space using

TokenArray = jwttoken.split(" ");

it will store in an array form where the 2nd index ( 1 as first index is 0) TokenArray[1] will be the token and use


to decode the token JWT is a token standard which you can use in many ones and one of the most used case of this is for authorization and it can be done in many ways too but the prefered standard way is sending it in a bearer authorisation header You can userefresh_token instead to bearer token but you have to store the token somewhere which will somehow reduced the effeciency of the term stateless token . So the bearer approch is completly stateless and a prefered approach


