How to fall through a Select Case in Excel VBA?
Select Case cmd
case "ONE", "TWO":
if cmd = "ONE" THEN
MsgBox "one"
end if
MsgBox "two"
case "THREE": MsgBox "three"
End select
Some if could do the job:
If cmd = "ONE" Then
MsgBox "one"
cmd = "TWO"
End If
If cmd = "TWO" Then
MsgBox "two"
cmd = "THREE"
End If
If Cmd = "THREE" Then
MsgBox "three"
End If
You'll just have to do it the long way.
Select Case cmd
case "ONE": MsgBox "one"
MsgBox "two"
MsgBox "three"
case "TWO": MsgBox "two"
MsgBox "three"
case "THREE": MsgBox "three"
End select