How to find all files except a specified file
A few shells have negation globbing operators:
zsh -o extendedglob
:ls -d -- ^*Media* ls -d -- *.repo~*Media* # ~ is "except" operator
,zsh -o kshglob
,bash -O extglob
:ls -d -- !(*Media*)
:GLOBIGNORE='*Media*' ls -d -- *
:FIGNORE='@(*Media|.)*' ls -d -- *
In most simple case you may use the following (in case if the 1st subword is static CentOS
ls CentOS-[BDV]*
- character class to ensure the second subword starting with one of the specified characters
or the same with negation:
ls CentOS-[^M]*
If you want to ignore all filenames that contain the M
character, with the GNU implementation of ls
(as typically found on CentOS), use the -I
) option:
ls -I '*M*'
-I, --ignore=PATTERN
do not list implied entries matching shell PATTERN
To ignore entries with Media
ls -I '*Media*'
Those patterns need to be passed verbatim to ls
, so must be quoted (otherwise, the shell would treat them as globs to expand).
One option is to use find
with the -not -name
flags. I.e. find . -not -name CentOS-Media.repo
. If you don't want to recurse down the directory structure, add -maxdepth 1
Alternatively, one may write the following (which is much more complex, but I forgot about -not
flag and posted this answer originally, so I will not delete this part):
find . -print0 | grep --invert-match -z "CentOS-Media.repo$" | tr '\0' '\n'
You need to force find
to separate filenames with null byte, so that newlines in filenames won't break anything down. Hopefully, grep
supports this kind of separator with flag -z
. You may want to revert to the typical separation (i.e. null byte -> new line) with tr '\0' '\n'