How to find all functions in an R package?
You can get all the objects in your package with:
You can get all the function signatures in your package with:
If you want all exported functions (i.e. functions accessible via ::
), then getNamespaceExports(pkgName)
will do the trick.
If you want all functions in the package, including the ones accessible via :::
, you can do ls(getNamespace(pkgName))
As an example, with the stringr
[1] "fixed" "" "invert_match" "perl" "str_c" "str_count" "str_detect" "str_dup" "str_extract"
[10] "str_extract_all" "str_join" "str_length" "str_locate" "str_locate_all" "str_match" "str_match_all" "str_pad" "str_replace"
[19] "str_replace_all" "str_split" "str_split_fixed" "str_sub" "str_sub<-" "str_trim" "str_wrap" "word"
However, we know that stringr:::is.perl
exists in the package, and as you can see:
setdiff(ls(getNamespace("stringr")), getNamespaceExports("stringr"))
[1] "case.ignored" "check_pattern" "check_string" "compact" "is.fixed" "is.perl" "match_to_matrix" "re_call" "recyclable"
[10] "re_mapply"
So, we see that ls(getNamespace("stringr"))
contains all of getNamespaceExports("stringr")
in addition to the :::