How to find all shortest paths
If the graph is large, finding all paths from start to end and then selecting the shortest ones can be very inefficient. Here is a better algorithm:
Using BFS, label each node with its distance from the start node. Stop when you get to the end node.
def bfs_label(start, end): depth = {start: 0} nodes = [start] while nodes: next_nodes = [] for node in nodes: if node == end: return depth for neighbor in neighbors(node): if neighbor not in depth: depth[neighbor] = depth[node] + 1 fringe.append(neighbor)
Using DFS, find all paths from the start node to the end node such that the depth strictly increases for each step of the path.
def shortest_paths(node, end, depth, path=None): if path is None: path = [] path.append(node) if node == end: yield tuple(path) else: for neighbor in neighbors(node): if neighbor in depth and depth[neighbor] == depth[node]+1: for sp in shortest_paths(neighbor, end, depth, path): yield sp path.pop()
You can easily do it by maintaining a list or vector of parents for each node. If two or more nodes ( say X, Y, Z) at the same distance from the starting node , leads to another node M , make all X , Y and Z as the parents of M.
You just have to add a check to see while adding a parent to the node whether that parent is in the same level as the previous parents.
By level , I mean the distance from the starting point.
This way you can get all the shortest paths by tracing back the parent vectors. Below is my C++ implementation.
I hope you know how to print the paths by starting from the destination ,tracing the parents and reach the starting point.
EDIT : Pseudo Code
bfs (start , end)
visited[start] = 1
while queue is NOT empty
currentNode = queue.front()
if(currentNode == end)
for each node adjacent to currentNode
if node is unvisited
visited[node] = visited[curr] + 1
else if(currentNode is in same level as node's parents)
A simpler way is to find all paths from source to destination using dfs. Now find the shortest paths among these paths. Here is a sudo code:
if(p== destination)
for each w adjacent to p
You can find the path by maintaining an array for paths. I will leave that to you as an assignment