How to find collections by its nested object's objectId in Spring Data using repository interface?

I've figured out how to solve this.

Change the parameter type to org.bson.types.ObjectId; from String

public List<SomeObject> findByNestedObjectId(ObjectId id);

and when you call it use

 repositoryName.findByNestedObjectId(new ObjectId(theIdString));

Spring-data-mongodb would not convert _id field to ObjectId type automatically in nested class on query operation. You should convert it manually. For example:

public List<SomeObject> findByNestedObjectId(String id) {
    Query query = Query.query(new Criteria("nestedObject._id", convertToObjectId(id)));
    return mongoTemplate.find(query, SomeObject.class);

Object convertToObjectId(Object id) {
    if (id instanceof String && ObjectId.isValid(id)) {
        return new ObjectId(id);
    return id;

If NestedObject looks like this:

class NestedObject {

  @Id String id;

and the String value you hand into the query is a valid ObjectId the query:

findByNestdObjectId(String id);

should work. If it doesn't feel free to create a ticket in out JIRA and provide a tiny test case to reproduce it.