How to find elements by class

CSS selectors

single class first match


list of matches'.stylelistrow')

compound class (i.e. AND another class)


Spaces in compound class names e.g. class = stylelistrow otherclassname are replaced with ".". You can continue to add classes.

list of classes (OR - match whichever present)

soup.select_one('.stylelistrow, .otherclassname')'.stylelistrow, .otherclassname')

Class attribute whose values contains a string e.g. with "stylelistrow":

starts with "style":


ends with "row"


contains "list":


The ^, $ and * are operators. Read more here:

If you wanted to exclude this class then, with anchor tag as an example, selecting anchor tags without this class:


You can pass simple, compound and complex css selectors lists inside of :not() pseudo class. See

bs4 4.7.1 +

Specific class whose innerText contains a string

soup.select_one('.stylelistrow:contains("some string")')'.stylelistrow:contains("some string")')


soupsieve 2.1.0 + Dec'2020 onwards

NEW: In order to avoid conflicts with future CSS specification changes, non-standard pseudo classes will now start with the :-soup- prefix. As a consequence, :contains() will now be known as :-soup-contains(), though for a time the deprecated form of :contains() will still be allowed with a warning that users should migrate over to :-soup-contains().

NEW: Added new non-standard pseudo class :-soup-contains-own() which operates similar to :-soup-contains() except that it only looks at text nodes directly associated with the currently scoped element and not its descendants.

Specific class which has a certain child element e.g. a tag


Update: 2016 In the latest version of beautifulsoup, the method 'findAll' has been renamed to 'find_all'. Link to official documentation

List of method names changed

Hence the answer will be

soup.find_all("html_element", class_="your_class_name")

You can refine your search to only find those divs with a given class using BS3:

mydivs = soup.find_all("div", {"class": "stylelistrow"})

From the documentation:

As of Beautiful Soup 4.1.2, you can search by CSS class using the keyword argument class_:

soup.find_all("a", class_="sister")

Which in this case would be:

soup.find_all("div", class_="stylelistrow")

It would also work for:

soup.find_all("div", class_="stylelistrowone stylelistrowtwo")