How to find points M and N such that AM=CN=BC only with a straight edge and a compass?


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The simpler the code the more challenging it becomes.



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PointNameA and PointNameB cannot be assigned none but empty. It looks like a bug.

An alternative tikz version:


\begin{tikzpicture}[dot/.style={fill,circle,inner sep=1.2pt},>= Stealth]\footnotesize
\draw (1,2)coordinate[dot,label=left:$B$](b)--(2.5,5)coordinate[dot,label=above:$C$](c)--(6,2)coordinate[dot,label=right:$A$](a)--cycle;
\node at ([xshift=-\BC cm]a) [dot,label=below:$M$] {};
\node at ($(c)!\BC/\AC!(a)$) [dot,label=right:$N$] {};
\pic["75.96\textdegree",draw,->,angle eccentricity=.7,angle radius=1cm] {angle=b--c--a};


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