how to find the text position in excel in c# code example
Example 1: how to find the text position in excel in c#
int rowStart = worksheet.Dimension.Start.Row;
int rowEnd = worksheet.Dimension.End.Row;
string cellRange = rowStart.ToString() + ":" + rowEnd.ToString();
var searchCell =from cell in worksheet.Cells[cellRange] //you can define your own range of cells for lookup
where cell.Value.ToString() == "Total"
select cell.Start.Row;
int rowNum = searchCell.First();
Example 2: how to find the text position in excel in c#
foreach (var worksheetCell in workSheet.Cells)
if (worksheetCell.Value != null)
if (worksheetCell.Value.ToString() == "EMP 563")
var worksheetCellFullAddress = worksheetCell.Address;
Example 3: how to find the text position in excel in c#
foreach (var worksheetCell in workSheet.Cells)
if (worksheetCell.Value != null)
if (worksheetCell.Value.ToString() == "EMP 563")
var worksheetCellFullAddress = worksheetCell.Address;