how to find your project current versions in grails

If you already have a project and want to learn which grails version it uses. You can find it in file. The content of the file is like the following


From controllers/services:

def appVersion=Metadata.current.'app.grails.version'
def appName=Metadata.current.''

From gsp:

App Version <g:meta name="app.version"/> 
Built with Grails <g:meta name="app.grails.version"/> 

Added extra information to figure out a grails application version from raw text files :

If you have a grails 3 application, you should find a build.gradle in the main root of your application folder:

version "0.1" According to this grails 3 project the version of this application is 0.1

Grails version is 3.1.1 according to

On a grails 2 project you will find in the main project root:

According to this grails 2 project

grails version is 2.4.4 App version is 0.1

Metadata regarding a project in Grails is kept in

Within this file you will find the version of Grails used for the project under the key app.grails.version.

The version of Groovy used however is not kept in this file and is determined by the version of Grails being used. To determine the version of Groovy used by a specific version of Grails visit the introduction section of the Grails documentation.


As pointed out in another answer, if you have target version of Grails already downloaded you can search for the version of Groovy being used by that version of Grails.


$ cd grails-X.X.X 
$ find . -name "groovy*jar"


> cd grails-x.x.x
> dir /s "groovy*.jar"

