How to fix Firebase_Admin Error TypeError: __init__() got an unexpected keyword argument 'status'

This is caused due to the outdated urllib3 package. I resolved this error with the following solution. You can try it as well.

Go to this file(Got this from the error you have given) -> C:\Users\Gaming\Firbase_setup\venv\lib\site-packages\

Comment the following lines from

    #from requests.packages.urllib3.util import retry
    #DEFAULT_RETRY_CONFIG = retry.Retry(
    #connect=1, read=1, status=4, status_forcelist=[500, 503],
    #raise_on_status=False, backoff_factor=0.5)

Also change the init parameter as below in the same file:

def __init__(
        self, credential=None, session=None, base_url='', headers=None,

Upgrading requests to current version 2.22.0 worked for me.

As the previous answer suggests, some libraries are outdated and can cause this issue.