How to fix Gatsby JS Link component retaining scroll position and not resetting to top

You can also modify gatsby-browser.js and implement a hook for each scroll update:

// in gastby-browser.js
exports.shouldUpdateScroll = ({
  routerProps: { location },
}) => {
  const { pathname } = location
  // list of routes for the scroll-to-top-hook
  const scrollToTopRoutes = [`/privacy-policy`, `/page-2`]
  // if the new route is part of the list above, scroll to top (0, 0)
  if (scrollToTopRoutes.indexOf(pathname) !== -1) {
    window.scrollTo(0, 0)

  return false

You will find the code for shouldUpdateScroll on GitHub or in the documentation for shouldUpdateScroll on the GatsbyJS website.

If you have overflow: hidden or overflow: auto set on body, you'll have this issue!

If your page is a stateless functional component, you can use the useEffect hook to scroll back to the top of the page, assuming that you are using graphql and so your component takes some data as an argument. This way every time that data changes, you scroll to the top of the page(works similar to componentDidUpdate).

const PageCmp = ({ data }) => {
    useEffect(() => {
    }, [data])


