How to fix "go get: warning: modules disabled by GO111MODULE=auto in GOPATH/src"

type following on command line or powershell:

go env -w GO111MODULE=on

should solve your problem

Also got this error when trying to work with vgo

Removing GOROOT (you don't need to explicitly set GOROOT, Modern versions of Go can figure it out on their own based on the location of the go binary that you run), updating my GOPATH and export GO111MODULE="on" resolved the issue.

GOPATH see in here

GOPATH may be set to a colon-separated list of paths inside which Go code, package objects, and executables may be found.

Set a GOPATH to use goinstall to build and install your own code and external libraries outside of the Go tree (and to avoid writing Makefiles).

I ran this command

export GO111MODULE="on" 

and that worked for me...

