How to fix left-aligned menu in Visual Studio 2010

It does so for me not only in Visual Studio but also in Notepad and other applications (well, not the ones the reinvented menus poorly).

There is a setting in the Tablet PC Settings to tell Windows which is your writing hand (so that menus won't appear underneath your hand). You can find it by searching for "hand write" in the start menu or go directly to the Tablet PC Settings:

screenshot of Tablet PC Settings window

Found the solution ....

Btw. no other application means ... Windows 7 and Visual Studio 2010.

The Fix is easy, change

HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Windows\MenuDropAlignment

from 0 to 1 (REG_SZ)

In Detail here

But i still don't know why it was set to 0.