How to fix modules with "ModuleConcatenation bailout: Module is not an ECMAScript module" bailout message?

You're using Babel to transpile your JavaScript files and by default the es2015 preset transforms ES modules (import/export) to CommonJS (what Node uses, require). Webpack receives the CommonJS modules, but the ModuleConcatenationPlugin relies on ES modules. You can configure Babel to not transform the modules with the modules option.

  "presets": [
    ["es2015", { "modules": false }]

Webpack 2+ supports ES modules out of the box and it's best to leave them to webpack, because it enables features such as Tree Shaking.

For those who use modern @babel/preset-env:

  "presets": [
      "targets": {
      "modules": false
  "plugins": [...

But bad things (but not critical) that after that I can't use ES modules in my webpack config files as before, so in webpack.config.babel.js:

import webpack from 'webpack';

should be changed to:

const webpack = require('webpack');