How to fix "Your branch is ahead of 'origin/master' by 1 commit."?

You can reset your local branch to the one in orig, then push to your fork

git checkout master
git reset --hard origin/master
git push --force origin master

Your local repo and fork master branch will be the same as the original repo.

If need clean: git clean -f -d

I have had the same issue a couple of times now and the below is the solution I wrote down for myself. I don't know all the details but I know it got me out of trouble :).

Rolling back on Commits. (run "git status" between each step)

  • e.g. "Your branch is ahead of 'origin/dev' by 2 commits."
  1. git reset HEAD^:
  • This removes one committed file at a time (I think)
  • There will be a bunch of (red) staged/untracked files. Don't panic.
  1. "Your branch and 'origin/dev' have diverged, and have 1 and 5 different commits each, respectively."
  • Repeat step 1. until git status "Your branch is behind 'origin/dev' by 5 commits"
  • Now we want to remove all those changes so we can later pull origin back in.
  1. git restore *
  • Removes all the staged changes
  • Now there may just be some Untracked files. Manually go delete them in the folder.
  1. git pull origin dev.
  • This should be the latest dev pulled from origin.

Use the command below :

git reset --hard HEAD


