How to force MySQL to connect by TCP instead of a Unix socket?

Solution 1:

In Linux and other *nixes, MySQL will assume you want to use a socket if you connect to the host "localhost" (which would be the default hostname).

You can override this in 3 ways: 1) Specify a different hostname like (mysql -h or your server's real hostname 2) Specify that you want to use TCP and not a socket (mysql --protocol tcp)

You can also easily make that the default my editing your my.cnf so it has this ([client] means any client:


You can see the full description of how MySQL decides how to connect here:

Solution 2:

Use an IP-binding to That should activate a listening port on localhost. On the client side do not use localhost - use instead. Many clients have an internal alias that makes them connect to the socket if you specify localhost as target.

MySQL is strange.

Solution 3:

Isn't this really a client issue ? If using the mysql program You can use the --protocol switch. From the man page


       The connection protocol to use for connecting to the server. It is
       useful when the other connection parameters normally would cause a
       protocol to be used other than the one you want. For details on the
       allowable values, see Section 4.2.2, “Connecting to the MySQL

I just tried

mysql --protocol=TCP -u root -p

whilst monitoring port 3306 with tcpdump -i lo tcp port 3306 and I can see traffic whereas if I just run

mysql  -u root -p

I (correctly) see no traffic on port 3306.


Now that you tell us you are using DRUPAL, the solution is relatively easy.

Go to sites/<sitename> or sites/default and edit the settings.php file

You will find a structure like this

$databases = array (
  'default' =>
  array (
    'default' =>
    array (
      'database' => 'databasename',
      'username' => 'databaseuser',
      'password' => 'databasepassword',
      'host' => 'localhost',
      'port' => '',
      'driver' => 'mysql',
      'prefix' => '',

Change the 'localhost' to '' and save the file.