How to format longs in android to always display two digits

You can accomplish it with DecimalFormat:

NumberFormat f = new DecimalFormat("00");
long time = 9;



Or you can use String.format() as well:

String format = "%1$02d"; // two digits
textView.setText(String.format(format, time));

TextView time; 
int hour=0,minute=0,second=0;
time.setText((String.format("%02d", hour))+":"+(String.format("%02d", minute))+":"+(String.format("%02d", second)));

time to TextView

Why not just use an if statement?

String str = x < 10 ? "0" + String.valueOf(x) : String.valueOf(x);

That should do the trick.

Use: text.setText(String.format("%02d", i)); where i is the integer value