How to format table with long column head entries?
Here's an example using your idea of putting the headers horizontally and connecting them to the columns with arrows:
\newcommand*{\hnode}[1]{\tikz[remember picture] \node (#1) {};}
% I am actually using a similar theme
% The space ``wasted'' is similar for PaloAlto though
\frametitle{Comparision of boost implemented graph classes}
% Column Headers, first column is empts
\begin{tabularx}{\textwidth}{X c c c}
& \hnode{C1}
& \hnode{C2}
& \hnode{C3}\\
% Rows, I suspect I need about 10
% Class adjlist adjmatrix csrg
AdjacencyGraph & Yes & No & Yes \\
Interface \#2 & Yes & No & Yes \\
Interface \#3 & Yes & No & Yes \\
Interface \#4 & Yes & No & Yes \\
Interface \#5 & Yes & No & Yes \\
Interface \#6 & Yes & No & Yes \\
Interface \#7 & Yes & No & Yes \\
Interface \#8 & Yes & No & Yes \\
Interface \#9 & Yes & No & Yes \\
% Rest omitted
\tikz[remember picture,overlay] \draw (H1) [very thick, red,->] -| (C1);
\tikz[remember picture,overlay] \draw (H2) [very thick, red,->] -| (C2);
\tikz[remember picture,overlay] \draw (H3) [very thick, red,->] -| (C3);
It actually looks pretty good, if I may say so myself.
& \llap{\rotatebox[origin=rb]{-30}{\small adjacency\_list}}
& \llap{\rotatebox[origin=rb]{-30}{\small adjacency\_matrix}}
& \llap{\rotatebox[origin=rb]{-30}{\small compressed\_sparse\_row\_graph}}\\
maybe a solution