How to generate a random pulsar graph between two points?

After lots of trial an error I found a way to do this.

I created 3 functions.

Jaggify[list_, height_] := 
   Table[{list[[x]], {(list[[x, 1]] + list[[x + 1, 1]])/
      2., (list[[x, 2]] + list[[x + 1, 2]])/2. + 
       height RandomReal[]^5}, list[[x + 1]]}, {x, 1, 
     Length[list] - 1}], 1]]

This function receives a list of points. Then it iterates over pair of points and adds a new one in between. The height of the new point is in the middle of the two adjacent points plus a random value.

RandomPulsarPoints[start_, end_, y_, peaks_, height_] := 
 Module[{list, seedlist},
  list = Table[{start + x, y}, {x, 0, end - start, (end - start)/
  seedlist = Table[
    {list[[linum, 1]], 
     list[[linum, 2]] + 
      If[linum == 1 || linum == 2 || linum == Length[list] - 1 || 
        linum == Length[list]
       , 0
       , RandomChoice[{1/linum^3, 
          1 - 1/linum^3}-> {(height^3) RandomReal[], 
          height (RandomReal[])^3}]]}, {linum, 1, Length[list]}];
   Jaggify[Jaggify[Most[Rest[seedlist]], height], 
    height/2], {Last[seedlist]}]

This function generates a list of random points between start and end. The first two points and the last two have the same y value to force the graph to start and end smoothly. You can define how tall and how many peaks are there going to be in that interval.

    pulsar[start_, end_, y_, height_, peaks_] := 
     Module[{length = end - start},
      If[length == 0 || peaks == 0, BSplineCurve[{{start, y}, {end, y}}], 
       BSplineCurve[RandomPulsarPoints[start, end, y, peaks, height]]]]

This final function just uses the previous functions to create a BSplineCurve.

Graphics[pulsar[0, 10, 0, 3, 10]]

This is the result.

I hope this is useful to someone else. :)

One way to smooth things is to use an appropriate interpolating order with random points. The ends can be flattened out with the Hamming Window.

points = HammingWindow[Range[-0.7, 0.7, 0.1]] RandomReal[{0, 1}, 15];
Plot[Interpolation[points, InterpolationOrder -> 3][t], {t, 1, Length[points]}]

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