How to generate random numbers in the BusyBox shell

$RANDOM and od are optional features in BusyBox, I assume given your question that they aren't included in your binary. You mention in a comment that /dev/urandom is present, that's good, it means what you need to do is retrieve bytes from it in a usable form, and not the much more difficult problem of implementing a random number generator. Note that you should use /dev/urandom and not /dev/random, see Is a rand from /dev/urandom secure for a login key?.

If you have tr or sed, you can read bytes from /dev/urandom and discard any byte that isn't a desirable character. You'll also need a way to extract a fixed number of bytes from a stream: either head -c (requiring FEATURE_FANCY_HEAD to be enabled) or dd (requiring dd to be compiled in). The more bytes you discard, the slower this method will be. Still, generating random bytes is usually rather fast in comparison with forking and executing external binaries, so discarding a lot of them isn't going to hurt much. For example, the following snippet will produce a random number between 0 and 65535:

while [ $n -ge 65536 ]; do
  n=1$(</dev/urandom tr -dc 0-9 | dd bs=5 count=1 2>/dev/null)

Note that due to buffering, tr is going to process quite a few more bytes than what dd will end up keeping. BusyBox's tr reads a bufferful (at least 512 bytes) at a time, and flushes its output buffer whenever the input buffer is fully processed, so the command above will always read at least 512 bytes from /dev/urandom (and very rarely more since the expected take from 512 input bytes is 20 decimal digits).

If you need a unique printable string, just discard non-ASCII characters, and perhaps some annoying punctuation characters:

nonce=$(</dev/urandom tr -dc A-Za-z0-9-_ | head -c 22)

In this situation, I would seriously consider writing a small, dedicated C program. Here's one that reads four bytes and outputs the corresponding decimal number. It doesn't rely on any libc function other than the wrappers for the system calls read and write, so you can get a very small binary. Supporting a variable cap passed as a decimal integer on the command line is left as an exercise; it'll cost you hundreds of bytes of code (not something you need to worry about if your target is big enough to run Linux).

#include <stddef.h>
#include <unistd.h>
int main () {
    int n;
    unsigned long x = 0;
    unsigned char buf[4];
    char dec[11]; /* Must fit 256^sizeof(buf) in decimal plus one byte */
    char *start = dec + sizeof(dec) - 1;
    n = read(0, buf, sizeof(buf));
    if (n < (int)sizeof(buf)) return 1;
    for (n = 0; n < (int)sizeof(buf); n++) x = (x << 8 | buf[n]);
    *start = '\n';
    if (x == 0) *--start = '0';
    else while (x != 0) {
        *start = '0' + (x % 10);
        x = x / 10;
    while (n = write(1, start, dec + sizeof(dec) - start),
           n > 0 && n < dec + sizeof(dec) - start) {
        start += n;
    return n < 0;

</dev/urandom sed 's/[^[:digit:]]\+//g' | head -c10