How to Geocode a City

The label placement is often designed to improving map readability rather than being driven by the data directly: often cartographic displacement is performed on the original geometries to improve the legibility of the map. 41Latitude had a great article on city label placement you might be interested in.

The USGS GeoNames aka GNIS (a commonly used public domain gazetteer used by e.g., Wikipedia, OpenStreetMap) provides this note:

...The guideline for digitizing areal features requires that the primary coordinates be taken in the center, but the location of the center of a large city is sometimes somewhat subjective.

If you were looking to algorithmically choose the center of a city you might use the centroid of a polygon delineating the city limits, or perhaps something more sophisticated like using the center of the alpha shape.

I doubt there is a universal algorithm for this. Geocoding providers buy their address data from some vendor. That vendor - or whoever collects the data - simply decides where the 'center of town' is (based on their knowledge of the area).