How to get all values of an object in ActiveRecord in Rails?

You can also use attributes method to get it

  1. User.first.attributes will return you hash representation of user object

      "id" => 1,
      "email" => "[email protected]",
      "tel" => "+923223333333",
      "interests" => "Hi, I'm interested in coding.",
      "admin_status" => "download",
      "created_at" => "2016-08-16 22:38:05",
      "updated_at" => "2016-08-16 22:38:05",
      "city_id" => 2,
      "profile_image_file_name" => "Screen_Shot_2016-07-02_at_4.41.32_PM.png",
      "profile_image_content_type" => "image/png",
      "profile_image_file_size" => 324372,
      "profile_image_updated_at" => "2016-08-16 22:38:04"
  2. values will return you the values in the Array

    [1, "[email protected]", "+923223333333", "Hi, I'm interested in coding.", "download", "2016-08-16 22:38:05", "2016-08-16 22:38:05", 2, "Screen_Shot_2016-07-02_at_4.41.32_PM.png", "image/png", 324372, "2016-08-16 22:38:04"]

I'm extending @deepak's answer to assure that the order remains same as it is for column_names, and this is how, I achieved it:

User.first.attributes.values_at *User.column_names

To get just the values, irrespective of the order:


Just you can convert activerecord to Hash then get the values as the following:
