How to get an email notification when a USB storage device is inserted?

The way to do this is to use a udev rule which will apply to all USB storage devices from any manufacturer. For the email part, note that Ubuntu Desktop does NOT include any command-line email client, so unless you wish to install one, the notification script should communicate directly via raw SMTP commands to your local mail server.

You can use Cuttlefish ( )!

Cuttlefish is a program that can perform actions when events occur. For example, you can run a command when a USB is plugged in: enter image description here

How to work with Cuttlefish:

  1. Make a new Reflex from the upper left corner: enter image description here
  2. Give it the name of your preference, enable Activated by stimulus, and click on None so as to select a stimulus: enter image description here
  3. Click on the left Hardware and on the right USB device plugged in. Then click OK. enter image description here
  4. Click on the reaction tab and click on the plus sign on the bottom left: enter image description here
  5. Head to Applications->Start Application (advanced mode). Then click OK. enter image description here
  6. Now, on the right, you can see that you can select an executable to run with any parameters you wish, so, you have to let Cuttlefish run on the system tray and it will run your command each time a USB device is plugged in: enter image description here

I assume that you know a command which you can use in order to send your email. If not, please post it as a comment so as to include it into my answer.

As per this answer, add this code to /etc/udev/rules.d/90-local.rules

ACTION=="add", SUBSYSTEM=="block", KERNEL=="sd[a-z]1", ATTRS{vendor}=="SanDisk ", RUN+="/usr/local/bin/"

and in the file , add this code

ifconfig | grep ip >>/tmp/usb.log

echo “USB inserted.” | mutt -a /tmp/usb.log -s “attachment”


Now i am gonna try to automate it, so you can add this rule/script in 600 Ubuntu systems.

    sudo echo " ACTION=="add", SUBSYSTEM=="block", KERNEL=="sd[a-z]1", ATTRS{vendor}=="SanDisk ", RUN+="/usr/local/bin/" ">>/etc/udev/rules.d/90-local.rules

 #then the ``

    sudo echo "     #!/bin/bash
        ifconfig | grep ip >>/tmp/usb.log

        echo “USB inserted.” | mutt -a /tmp/usb.log -s “attachment” " >>/usr/local/bin/

This script is not tested, and the automating process will be improved.
As soon as I set up some test PC's.