How to get capturing group functionality in Go regular expressions

how should I re-write these expressions?

Add some Ps, as defined here:


Cross reference capture group names with re.SubexpNames().

And use as follows:

package main

import (

func main() {
    r := regexp.MustCompile(`(?P<Year>\d{4})-(?P<Month>\d{2})-(?P<Day>\d{2})`)
    fmt.Printf("%#v\n", r.FindStringSubmatch(`2015-05-27`))
    fmt.Printf("%#v\n", r.SubexpNames())

As of GO 1.15, you can simplify the process by using Regexp.SubexpIndex. You can check the release notes at

Based in your example, you'd have something like the following:

re := regexp.MustCompile(`(?P<Year>\d{4})-(?P<Month>\d{2})-(?P<Day>\d{2})`)
matches := re.FindStringSubmatch("Some random date: 2001-01-20")
yearIndex := re.SubexpIndex("Year")

You can check and execute this example at

To improve RAM and CPU usage without calling anonymous functions inside loop and without copying arrays in memory inside loop with "append" function see the next example:

You can store more than one subgroup with multiline text, without appending string with '+' and without using for loop inside for loop (like other examples posted here).

txt := `2001-01-20

regex := *regexp.MustCompile(`(?s)(\d{4})-(\d{2})-(\d{2})`)
res := regex.FindAllStringSubmatch(txt, -1)
for i := range res {
    //like Java:, match.gropu(2), etc
    fmt.Printf("year: %s, month: %s, day: %s\n", res[i][1], res[i][2], res[i][3])


year: 2001, month: 01, day: 20
year: 2009, month: 03, day: 22
year: 2018, month: 02, day: 25
year: 2018, month: 06, day: 07

Note: res[i][0] =~ Java

If you want to store this information use a struct type:

type date struct {
  y,m,d int
func main() {
   dates := make([]date, 0, len(res))
   for ... {
      dates[index] = date{y: res[index][1], m: res[index][2], d: res[index][3]}

It's better to use anonymous groups (performance improvement)

Using "ReplaceAllGroupFunc" posted on Github is bad idea because:

  1. is using loop inside loop
  2. is using anonymous function call inside loop
  3. has a lot of code
  4. is using the "append" function inside loop and that's bad. Every time a call is made to "append" function, is copying the array to new memory position

I had created a function for handling url expressions but it suits your needs too. You can check this snippet but it simply works like this:

 * Parses url with the given regular expression and returns the 
 * group values defined in the expression.
func getParams(regEx, url string) (paramsMap map[string]string) {

    var compRegEx = regexp.MustCompile(regEx)
    match := compRegEx.FindStringSubmatch(url)

    paramsMap = make(map[string]string)
    for i, name := range compRegEx.SubexpNames() {
        if i > 0 && i <= len(match) {
            paramsMap[name] = match[i]
    return paramsMap

You can use this function like:

params := getParams(`(?P<Year>\d{4})-(?P<Month>\d{2})-(?P<Day>\d{2})`, `2015-05-27`)

and the output will be:

map[Year:2015 Month:05 Day:27]