How To Get Chrome To Open Skype For Business When Clicking On A Lync Url

I stumbled upon this today my self in our organisation and had to Enable NPAPI in the Chrome browser.

The reason for this is because April the 14th Chrome update disabled this plugin by default. TechNet Blog

To do this, follow these steps:

Enter the following URL into the Chrome address bar:

  1. Chrome://Flags/#enable-npapi
  2. Click the Enable link to enable NPAPI support.
  3. Restart the browser.
  4. Click the meeting invitation link.
  5. Enable the plugin for the meeting join domain by using the dialog box that follows the plugin warning message.

Note This step is required for each unique meeting join domain, depending on the company that hosts the meeting.

This is taken from Microsoft KB 3057679 Hope this helps you to as it did for us.

NPAPI support in Chrome is now long gone, so we need to try an old browser like Internet Explorer. If pasting the meeting link into IE opens the meeting in the Skype/Lync client, then try this:

  1. Install 'IE Tab' from the chrome store.
  2. Go to 'IE Tab' options and in the Auto URLs section, add the beginning part of your meeting url like this and add a * at the end:*

Now when you click a meeting link, it'll first open it in chrome, but then will redirect the link to IE.

You can also join the meetings directly from Lync, without the need for a web browser. Try the command

"C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Office\Office15\lync.exe" conf:sip:

You can make a desktop shortcut for it.