How to get City / State / Country for Mapbox using reverse geocoding?

I ended up coming up with this function based on what mapbox returned. The root node gives the town/city, and then gives the context around it. It was a matter of checking which context was the postal code and excluding that, while rebuilding the string.

                //builds proper format of location string based on mapbox data. city,state/province,country
                function parseReverseGeo(geoData) {
                    // debugger;
                    var region, countryName, placeName, returnStr;
                        $.each(geoData.context, function(i, v){
                            if('region') >= 0) {
                                region = v.text;
                            if('country') >= 0) {
                                countryName = v.text;
                    if(region && countryName) {
                        returnStr = region + ", " + countryName;
                    } else {
                        returnStr = geoData.place_name;
                    return returnStr;