How to get feature Importance in naive bayes?

Try this:

pred_proba = NB_optimal.predict_proba(X_test)
words = np.take(count_vect.get_feature_names(), pred_proba.argmax(axis=1))

def get_salient_words(nb_clf, vect, class_ind):
    """Return salient words for given class
    nb_clf : a Naive Bayes classifier (e.g. MultinomialNB, BernoulliNB)
    vect : CountVectorizer
    class_ind : int
        a sorted list of (word, log prob) sorted by log probability in descending order.

    words = vect.get_feature_names()
    zipped = list(zip(words, nb_clf.feature_log_prob_[class_ind]))
    sorted_zip = sorted(zipped, key=lambda t: t[1], reverse=True)

    return sorted_zip

neg_salient_top_20 = get_salient_words(NB_optimal, count_vect, 0)[:20]
pos_salient_top_20 = get_salient_words(NB_optimal, count_vect, 1)[:20]

You can get the important of each word out of the fit model by using the coefs_ or feature_log_prob_ attributes. For example

neg_class_prob_sorted = NB_optimal.feature_log_prob_[0, :].argsort()[::-1]
pos_class_prob_sorted = NB_optimal.feature_log_prob_[1, :].argsort()[::-1]

print(np.take(count_vect.get_feature_names(), neg_class_prob_sorted[:10]))
print(np.take(count_vect.get_feature_names(), pos_class_prob_sorted[:10]))

Prints the top 10 most predictive words for each of your classes.

I had the same trouble, maybe this is for datascience exchange forum but I want to post it here since I achieved a very good result.

First: + Stands for positive class , - Stands for negative class. P() stands for proability.

We are going to build odds ratio, which can be demostrated that it is equal to P(word i ,+) / P(word i ,-) (let me know if you need the demostration of it guys). If this ratio is greater than 1 means that the word i is more likely to occur in a positive texts than in negative text.

These are the priors in the naive bayes model:

prob_pos = df_train['y'].value_counts()[0]/len(df_train)
prob_neg = df_train['y'].value_counts()[1]/len(df_train)

Create a dataframe for storing the words

df_nbf = pd.DataFrame()
df_nbf.index = count_vect.get_feature_names()
# Convert log probabilities to probabilities. 
df_nbf['pos'] = np.e**(nb.feature_log_prob_[0, :])
df_nbf['neg'] = np.e**(nb.feature_log_prob_[1, :])

df_nbf['odds_positive'] = (nb.feature_log_prob_[0, :])/(nb.feature_log_prob_[1, :])*(prob_nonneg/prob_neg)

df_nbf['odds_negative'] = (nb.feature_log_prob_[1, :])/(nb.feature_log_prob_[0, :])*(prob_neg/prob_nonneg)

Most important words. This will hive you a >1 ratio. For example a odds_ratio_negative =2 for the word "damn" means that this word is twice likely to occur when the comment or your class is negative in comparison with your positive class.

# Here are the top5 most important words of your positive class:
odds_pos_top5 = df_nbf.sort_values('odds_positive',ascending=False)['odds_positive'][:5]
# Here are the top5 most important words of your negative class:
odds_neg_top5 = df_nbf.sort_values('odds_negative',ascending=False)['odds_negative'][:5]