How to get Jasmine's spyOnProperty to work?

Well I spent way more time on this then I care to admit, but the answer ended up being a simple syntactical error:

The correct value to use as the 3rd parameter is get, not getter as I had been. For example:

spyOnProperty(someService, 'myValue', 'get').and.returnValue(false)

Which I did try early on, but did not work at the time. I'm not sure what changed. I also updated @types/jasmine, along with everything else in my dev library to @latest, but I didn't restart the IDE afterward because I didn't think it'd matter. I can only guess that's why it works now.

I was still struggling a bit to get the set to work.

const foo = {
  get value() {},
  set value(v) {}

it('can spy on getters', () => {
  spyOnProperty(foo, 'value', 'get').and.returnValue(1);

it('and on setters', () => {
  const spiez = spyOnProperty(foo, 'value', 'set');
  foo.value = true;