How to get join data result without prefix table name in Sequelize ORM

This should work

A is a table that is associated to B using a column called bId so B has a primary key of Id which is associates to a bid column in A table that is shown in the standard result set as but we want these two column to be called as Id & Name

        return await A.findAll({
            attributes: [
                [Sequelize.col(''), 'Id'],
                [Sequelize.col(''), 'Name']
            raw: true,
            where: { /*Some condition*/ },
            include: {
                model: B,
                attributes: [],
                required: true

The top level model also can be modified to exclude and include the properties if the query still want to use along with

raw: true

    include: [{ 
      model: db.role,                      
      where:{status : 'Active'},
      attributes: ["role_id", "role_name"],  
      nested: false,  
    attributes: {exclude: [],
                 include: ["role.role_id", "role.role_name"]},
    raw: true      

additionally you can have aliases as well

    include: [{ 
      model: db.role,                      
      where:{status : 'Active'},
      attributes: [["role_id", "roleId"], ["role_name", "roleName"]] 
    attributes: {exclude: [],
                 include: ["role.roleId", "role.roleName"]},
    raw: true      

This should work,

    attributes: ['id', 'username', 'email', 'status', 'role.role_id', 'role.role_name'],
    include: [{ 
      model: db.role,                      
      where:{status : 'Active'}, 
      attributes: []
    raw: true

I found this here