How to get list of network requests done by HTML

I have written the code using the Resource Timing API

function captureNetworkRequest(e) {
    var capture_network_request = [];
    var capture_resource = performance.getEntriesByType("resource");
    for (var i = 0; i < capture_resource.length; i++) {
        if (capture_resource[i].initiatorType == "xmlhttprequest" || capture_resource[i].initiatorType == "script" || capture_resource[i].initiatorType == "img") {
            if (capture_resource[i].name.indexOf(' OR YOUR URL') > -1) {
    return capture_network_request;

As I understand it, you can consult the list of requests via JavaScript. It is? "I do not know how."

But one solution that can help is this ...

You intercept all requisitions with the code below. If your JavaScript runs very early in loading the page you will be able to get most of the requests from the list.

See how cool this article.

XMLHttpRequest.prototype.realSend = XMLHttpRequest.prototype.send;
XMLHttpRequest.prototype.send = function(value) {
    this.addEventListener("progress", function(){
        console.log("Loading. Here you can intercept...");
    }, false);

You can use Resource Timing API to get all relevant information (domain lookups, cache hits, redirects, etc.) about each resource being loaded on your website.

You can read about it here. There is also a bookmarklet that generates a page load waterfall using this API.

Resource Timing API is available in Chrome, Chromium, Chrome Mobile and IE10. Firefox team seems to be working on it.

Some browsers have implemented a version of the not-yet-standard, Resource Timing API where you can collect some of this information.

Some browsers may have some of this info available to browser extensions as part of their developer tools support, but that would require the installation of a custom extension, not something that could be done from a regular web page.

For very specific operations where you control the calling code or you know the calling code, it is possible to instrument some things. For example, if you know that all ajax calls go through one particular function, you can hook that function and it's completion handlers and monitor all ajax calls.