How to get marker position after dragging in vue2-google-map?

I found @drag to be the best solution. However, the event is emitted while the user is dragging, not only after, to which @dragend should work according to source-code, but for some reason doesn't in my case.

    <gmap-map ref="mymap" :center="mapStartLocation" :zoom="17" style="width: 100%; height: 300px">
        <gmap-marker :position="mapStartLocation" :draggable="true" @drag="updateCoordinates" />

export default {
    data() {
        return {
            coordinates: null,
    methods: {
        updateCoordinates(location) {
            this.coordinates = {
                lng: location.latLng.lng(),

So, You can add Event on stop drag



 methods: {
      //set after merker end drag
      gMapFunc(evnt) {
        this.jdata = {"geo": {"lat", "lng":evnt.lng()}};