How to get multiple static contexts in new CONTEXT API in React v16.6

This is explained in the React context documentation:

You can only subscribe to a single context using this API. If you need to read more than one see Consuming Multiple Contexts.

One workaround is to use a wrapper that combines the two contexts into one and then export the wrapper. There are multiple ways to implement the wrapper, but here is one:


import React from "react";

export const Context1 = React.createContext("1");
export const Context2 = React.createContext("2");
export const ContextCombined1And2 = React.createContext("3");


import React from "react";
import { Context1, Context2, ContextCombined1And2 } from "./Contexts";

// This is a reusable piece that could be used by any component that requires both contexts.
const ProvideCombinedContext = props => {
  return (
      {context1 => (
          {context2 => (
            <ContextCombined1And2.Provider value={{ context1, context2 }}>
export default ProvideCombinedContext;


import React from "react";
import { ContextCombined1And2 } from "./Contexts";
import ProvideCombinedContext from "./ProvideCombinedContext";

class Need2Contexts extends React.Component {
  static contextType = ContextCombined1And2;
  componentDidMount() {
    console.log("Context=" + JSON.stringify(this.context));
  render() {
    return "this.context=" + JSON.stringify(this.context);

const WrappedNeed2Contexts = props => {
  return (
      <Need2Contexts {...props} />

export default WrappedNeed2Contexts;


import React from "react";
import ReactDOM from "react-dom";
import { Context1, Context2 } from "./Contexts";
import Need2Contexts from "./Need2Contexts";

function App() {
  return (
    <div className="App">
      <Context1.Provider value="value1">
        <Context2.Provider value="value2">
          <Need2Contexts />

const rootElement = document.getElementById("root");
ReactDOM.render(<App />, rootElement);

You can see this in action and play with it here:

Edit xv373l5ynz