How to get n power ( square of a number or cube etc.) of a number in flutter?

You are looking for this: so:


If you want to implement it, you can have a look at here: This boils down to this loop:

int power(int x, int n) {
  int retval = 1;
  for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
    retval *= x;

  return retval;

This only works well for integer n-s.

For all of these examples with pow you need the following import:

import 'dart:math';

final answer = pow(8, 2); // 64


  • If you are only squaring, then it's probably easier to do this:

    final answer = 8 * 8;
  • answer is inferred to be of type num, which could be an int or double at runtime. In this case the runtime type is int, but in the following two examples it is double.

Fourth root of 256

final answer = pow(256, 1/4); // 4.0


final answer = pow(0.2, -3); // 124.99999999999999

That's basically the same as five cubed.


