How to get position of regexp match in string in PostgreSQL?

One way (of many) to do this: Remove the rest of the string beginning at the match and measure the length of the truncated string:

SELECT id, title
FROM   book
WHERE  title ILIKE '%deep%space%'
ORDER  BY length(regexp_replace(title, 'deep.*space.*', '','i'));

Using ILIKE in the WHERE clause, since that is typically faster (and does the same here).
Also note the fourth parameter to the regexp_replace() function ('i'), to make it case insensitive.


As per request in the comment.
At the same time demonstrating how to sort matches first (and NULLS LAST).

SELECT id, title
      ,substring(title FROM '(?i)(^.*)deep.*space.*') AS sub1
      ,length(substring(title FROM '(?i)(^.*)deep.*space.*')) AS pos1

      ,substring(title FROM '(?i)^.*(?=deep.*space.*)') AS sub2
      ,length(substring(title FROM '(?i)^.*(?=deep.*space.*)')) AS pos2

      ,substring(title FROM '(?i)^.*(deep.*space.*)') AS sub3
      ,position((substring(title FROM '(?i)^.*(deep.*space.*)')) IN title) AS p3

      ,regexp_replace(title, 'deep.*space.*', '','i') AS reg4
      ,length(regexp_replace(title, 'deep.*space.*', '','i')) AS pos4
FROM   book
ORDER  BY title ILIKE '%deep%space%' DESC NULLS LAST
         ,length(regexp_replace(title, 'deep.*space.*', '','i'));

You can find documentation for all of the above in the manual here and here.

-> SQLfiddle demonstrating all.