How to get Soundcloud embed code by url

I found this in my codesnippets for exactly your purpose, even withouth having to register a client ID.

//Get the SoundCloud URL
//Get the JSON data of song details with embed code from SoundCloud oEmbed
//Clean the Json to decode
$decodeiFrame=substr($getValues, 1, -2);
//json decode to convert it as an array
$jsonObj = json_decode($decodeiFrame);

//Change the height of the embed player if you want else uncomment below line
// echo $jsonObj->html;
//Print the embed player to the page
echo str_replace('height="400"', 'height="140"', $jsonObj->html);

For the track you selected, the embed code is such:

<iframe width="100%" height="166" scrolling="no" frameborder="no" src=";color=ff6600&amp;auto_play=false&amp;show_artwork=true"></iframe>

The only thing unique to it is the Track ID, in this case it's 101276036.

So your real issue is trying to find the Track ID when you only have the URL, and the Soundcloud API provides a method called resolve to do just that.

require_once 'Services/Soundcloud.php';
$client = new Services_Soundcloud('YOUR_CLIENT_ID');
$track_url = ''; // Track URL
$track = json_decode($client->get('resolve', array('url' => $track_url)));
$track->id; // 101276036 (the Track ID)

You can then store this ID, or generate and store the HTML that you want to be displayed.