How to get survdiff returned p value
The p value is not stored in the survdiff class, so it must be calculated on the fly at the time of output. To reproduce the p value one could use the chisq distribution function: "pchisq"
diff = survdiff(Surv(Time, Censored) ~ Treatment+Gender, data = dat)
pchisq(diff$chisq, length(diff$n)-1, lower.tail = FALSE)
The code in the function print.survdiff
that displays that values is:
cat("\n Chisq=", format(round(x$chisq, 1)), " on", df,
"degrees of freedom, p=", format(signif(1 - pchisq(x$chisq,
df), digits)), "\n")
The code leading up to it:
if (is.matrix(x$obs)) {
otmp <- apply(x$obs, 1, sum)
etmp <- apply(x$exp, 1, sum)
} else {
otmp <- x$obs
etmp <- x$exp
df <- (sum(1 * (etmp > 0))) - 1
And 'digits' is set to 3 in the argument list, so using the example on the surv.diff
help page:
x <- survdiff(Surv(time, status) ~ pat.karno + strata(inst), data=lung)
cat( "p=", format(signif(1 - pchisq(x$chisq,
df), digits)) )
#p= 0.00326
Addressing the comment: In the example the second code block reduces to:
df <- with(x, (sum(1 * (apply(x$exp, 1, sum) > 0))) - 1 )
> df
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