How to get the last Sunday before current date?


This can be easily achieved by a TemporalAdjuster implementation found in TemporalAdjusters along with the DayOfWeek enum. Specifically, previous​(DayOfWeek dayOfWeek).

     TemporalAdjusters.previous( DayOfWeek.SUNDAY )
 ) ;

If today is Sunday and you would like the result to be today rather than a week ago, call previousOrSame​(DayOfWeek dayOfWeek).

     TemporalAdjusters.previousOrSame( DayOfWeek.SUNDAY )
 ) ;

These classes are built into Java 8 and later, and built into Android 26 and later. For Java 6 & 7, most of the functionality is back-ported in ThreeTen-Backport. For earlier Android, see ThreeTenABP.

This will work. We first get the day count, and then subtract that with the current day and add 1 ( for sunday)

Calendar cal=Calendar.getInstance();
cal.add( Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK, -(cal.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK)-1)); 

Edit : As pointed out by Basil Bourque in the comment, see the answer by Grzegorz Gajos for Java 8 and later.