How to get the p-value between two groups after groupby in pandas?

You can do this:

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import scipy.stats as stats

def get_ttest(x,y,sided=1):
    return stats.ttest_ind(x, y, equal_var=False).pvalue/sided

N = 15
df = pd.DataFrame({'country': np.random.choice(['A','B','C'],N),
                   'test': np.random.choice([0,1], N),
                   'conversion': np.random.choice([0,1], N),
                   'sex': np.random.choice(['M','F'], N)


col_groupby = 'country'
col_test_control = 'test'
col_effect = 'conversion'

a,b = df[col_test_control].unique()

df_pval = df.groupby([col_groupby,col_test_control])\

df_pval.columns = [f'group{a}_size',f'group{b}_size',

df_pval['pvalue'] = df.groupby(col_groupby).apply(lambda dfx: get_ttest(
    dfx.loc[dfx[col_test_control] == a, col_effect],
    dfx.loc[dfx[col_test_control] == b, col_effect]))



         test_size  control_size  test_mean  control_mean    pvalue
A                3             3   0.666667      0.666667  1.000000
B                1             1   1.000000      1.000000       NaN
C                4             3   0.750000      1.000000  0.391002

Test the result

# test for country C
c0 = df.loc[('C') & (df.test==0),'conversion']
c1 = df.loc[('C') & (df.test==1),'conversion']

pval = stats.ttest_ind(c0, c1, equal_var=False).pvalue
print(pval) # 0.39100221895577053

pivot could be used to get the required transformation of the data.

def f(group):
    pvt_table = group.pivot(columns='test', values='conversion')
    return(stats.ttest_ind(pvt_table[0], pvt_table[1],
     equal_var=False, nan_policy='omit').pvalue)

grouped = df.groupby(['country'])['test','conversion']

#A           1
#B          --
#C    0.391002
#dtype: object