How to get the value in a select change event in angular2

The value you are looking for is on the $ and you can get it with $, see my example below.

navSelected($event) {
    console.log($ + " Clicked!");

If you are looking to get the selected text of the option you can do this

navSelected($event) {
    let selectElement = $;
    var optionIndex = selectElement.selectedIndex;
    var optionText = selectElement.options[optionIndex];
    console.log(optionText + " Clicked!");

As a shortcut for @eltonkamami 's answer, you can pass your object like this:

<select (change)="navSelected(navButtons[$])">
    <option *ngFor="let button of navButtons;">{{button.label}}</option>

And capture it like this:

navSelected(button: [type of navButtons]){