How to get touch coordinates upon SELECTING a custom UITableViewCell?

Put a transparent UIView atop your table view, override its -touchesBegan:withEvent: etc. methods. In those overridden methods, get the UITouch objects and call -locationInView: on them to get the CGPoint values.

That gives you the coordinates of a touch event.

Then you just pass on those UITouch events to the underlying table view. The table view handles its usual business of passing touches on to rows, etc.

1. Add a tapGestureRecognizer to your tableView

let tapGestureRecognizer = UITapGestureRecognizer(target: self, action: #selector(self.tableViewTapped(recognizer:)))

2. Write a function to handle the tapGesture

@objc func tableViewTapped(recognizer: UITapGestureRecognizer) {
    let location = recognizer.location(in: self.tableView) // point of touch in tableView
    if let indexPath = self.tableView.indexPathForRow(at: location) { // indexPath of touch location
        if let cell = tableView.cellForRow(at: indexPath) as? MyCustomCell {
            let locationInCell = recognizer.location(in: cell) // point of touch in cell
            // do something with location or locationInCell

            if cell.imageView.frame.contains(location) || cell.imageView.frame.contains(locationInCell) {
                    print("ImageView inside cell tapped!")        