How to get touchEnd to behave just like mouseUp?

This was a fun question to tackle. Thanks for that. Here's what I have done. I have modified your touchmove handler as such:

   function onDocumentTouchMove(event) {
    onDocumentTouchMove.x = event.changedTouches[event.changedTouches.length - 1].clientX;
    onDocumentTouchMove.y = event.changedTouches[event.changedTouches.length - 1].clientY;

In this handler I'm saving the last co-ordinate that the user moved to. In all probability, this is the point at which the user took his finger, nose, knuckle, stylus, etc off the touch surface. These co-ordinates I then use in the handler for touchend to find the element that surrounds them.

    function onDocumentTouchEnd(event) {
    var elem = document.elementFromPoint(onDocumentTouchMove.x, onDocumentTouchMove.y); = "#ff0000";

I have utilized the document.elementFromPoint(mdn link) for this purpose. It is one of those golden yet fairly unknown methods provided to us by the CSSOM spec.

Here's the fiddle.