How to give alt and title for background image?

No, because a background image is only a decorative element which should not have any semantic meaning. HTML is for semantics and meaning, CSS is just for visual appearances. If the image is so important that it should have a fallback alt text, make it an HTML <img> element.

You cannot give an alt and title for a css background, but you can give a title to the div.

<div id="cont" title="Title!"></div>

The title will popup upon mouse-idle over the div element.

it's simple to give a title tag to the div itself.

about the alt, if you desperately need it, the main road to go would be to put an img in the div with height="100%" and width="100%", or, if this gets in your way, add an 1px img in the div, with the alt, but it won't be seen. zindex may also help if the img is getting in your way and oclude other elements.

good luck, alex