How to give padding/margin to items inside the ExtJS panel

You could use the bodyStyle configuration property:

    xtype: 'panel',
    border: false,
    bodyStyle: 'margin: 10px;'
    items: [
        { boxLabel: 'One', xtype: 'checkbox' },
        { boxLabel: 'Two', xtype: 'checkbox' }

In ExtJs 2.3, there is no support for config options "margin, padding" in Ext.Panel.

Check in the documentation!/api/Ext.Panel

you should go for bodyStyle config option.

     xtype: 'panel',
     border: false,
     bodyStyle: 'margin: 10px; padding: 5px 3px;',
     items: [
          { boxLabel: 'One', xtype: 'checkbox' },
          { boxLabel: 'Two', xtype: 'checkbox' }

Hope this helped you.....