How to handle input strings in tables, when the input string has line breaks in it?

Use a \Longunderstack or a \Longstack.

EDITED to handle case where a macro containing the data is to be set in a stack (per the OP's comments). In this case, the line

\setDocName{Video Endoscope \& Imaging Module \\DVT Support Manual}

places the data in the variable \@setDocName. At a later point, the contents of \@setDocName are to be set in a \Longunderstack.

\setDocName{Video Endoscope \& Imaging Module \\DVT Support Manual}

%This table holds the document name.
\begin{tabularx}{\headerwidth}{|c|X|c|} \hline
%& \\
\footnotesize \sffamily{\textbf{Dokument-/Dateiname:}} & \\
\footnotesize \sffamily{\textbf{Document-/File-Name:}} & \DocName \\

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